Árni Gunnar Ragnarsson

Árni Gunnar Ragnarsson

Itsy Founder

Having worked in the travel industry for over two decades, I've seen the evolution of technology over time and how it has transformed the way travel professionals can operate. I've been fortunate to work with some of the most innovative companies in the industry, and I've seen firsthand how technology can be used to revolutionize the way we do business.

Over the decades I have built and maintained booking solutions for some of the biggest companies in Scandinavia, companies like Icelandair, Lastminute.com, Holiday Autos Nordic, FI Travel and many others. The solutions I have built have been responsible for over 20 billion ISK in turnover over the years (about 150 million USD).

After leaving my last full time assignment in 2019, and having taken a small detour with some other non travel related projects, I found that I wanted to return to my true love of working within the travel industry. I wanted to create something that would be a game-changer in the travel industry, and that's how Itsy was born.

I wanted to build Itsy in public, and have been very open with the development process. I have been sharing updates on the progress of the project, with some intermissions, since the beginning of 2021.

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