20. Feb 2023

#023 Balancing Act

Being a solo founder is no easy task. It requires a unique set of skills and the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities. One of the most challenging aspects for me as a solo founder is finding a balance between Itsy and my freelance business.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed when I'm juggling multiple responsibilities, and it can be challenging to decide where to focus my efforts. Cloud Consulting is my main source of income. It's what pays the bills and puts food on the table for my family. However, Itsy is my passion. But balancing these two responsibilities can be tricky. On the one hand, I want to devote all my time and energy to Itsy, but on the other hand, I can't neglect the clients I am so lucky to be working with.

It's important for me to remember that finding a balance isn't about dividing your time equally between your two responsibilities. Instead, it's about being strategic and disciplined with your time and energy. I try to set clear goals for each work session and hold myself accountable for achieving them. I try to stay focused on my long-term goals, and remember that finding a balance takes time and effort.

I hope I can continue finding a balance between Itsy and Cloud Consulting, but it will require discipline, focus, and a clear understanding of my priorities. It's important to remember that finding a balance isn't about dividing my time equally between thewe two. Instead, it's about dedicating my time and energy to the tasks that will have the greatest impact on my long-term goals. By being strategic and disciplined, I can build a successful startup while maintaining financial stability through Cloud Consulting.